Every month, Carolina Moore at AlwaysExpectMoore.com hosts the #QuiltBlockMania blog hop featuring free 12” quilt block patterns from lots of great designers!
This month, the theme is “Connection,” and I have a FREE heart within a heart block pattern for you! I call it “Hearts Together.”
You can get the FREE block pattern now by signing up for my email newsletter here!
The inspiration was, what else, but motherhood?! I’m currently 34 weeks pregnant with my second baby, and it never ceases to amaze me when I hear his heart beat on the doppler at my doctor. That there is another tiny little heart inside me right now is just indescribable! I just can’t get over how amazing it is. Even though I always knew how it worked, actually experiencing pregnancy is on a whole other level.
But, before I go on and on about pregnancy and babies here, let’s talk about this block!
You'll only need a fat eighth of 3 different fabrics. It uses very basic methods such as stitch-and-flip to make basic units. Three rows are stitched together, and you’re done! Super easy. That’s what I’m all about here! Simple, yet beautiful quilt patterns that you can enjoy, but also finish! Nothing complicated.
There are lots of opportunities to save trimmed triangles in this pattern to make bonus half-square triangle units. I love patterns that make little bonus blocks! They’re so fun to play with later and improvise into something unexpected!
You could put this block in a sampler quilt or make a few more hearts to turn it into any quilt size you like! Add borders or sashing between blocks to jazz it up a bit.
It’s also super easy to turn any quilt block into a pillow. It’s one of my favorite things to do with orphan blocks. Check out my tutorial for how to turn any quilt block into an envelope style pillow.
I decided to make two Hearts Together blocks with the inner heart and background fabrics swapped. I plan on adding 2" borders to bring each up to 16" square, and then make them into a couple pillows.
Check out a few tester versions of Hearts Together:
Emily @MarthaJaneCreations :
Kate @DueNorthHandmade :
Beth @Mississippi.Quilts :
Carrie @CareBear526 :
Julie @JulieThompson9446 :
Here’s the block mocked up in Gayle Loraine fabrics by Elizabeth Chappell for Art Gallery Fabrics.
Get the FREE Hearts Together Block Pattern Today!
You can grab your FREE copy of the Hearts Together block pattern by signing up for my email newsletter here!
When you sign up, you’ll also get a 15% shop discount and the password to The Stash where all my free patterns and resources live!
I hope you enjoy making the Hearts Together block! Use #SWMHeartsTogether to share your blocks!
Don't forget to check out the rest of the free "Connection" blocks for February's #QuiltBlockMania! Here is a list of links to all the participating blogs:
Heart and Star
Woven Heart by Inquiring Quilter
Puzzle Block by Inflorescnece
Connected Hearts by BoBerry Design Co.
Mardi Gras Geese
Chain Link by Sugar Sand Quilt Co.
Linked by QuiltFabrication
Irish Chain
DNA by Palm Creations
Hello at Patti's Patchwork
Lover's Knot at Lovingly, Lissa
Double Hearts by Appliques Quilts and More
Key to my Heart
Connections by Penny Spool Quilts
WiFi Signal by Crafty Staci
With Love By Sew Cute And Quirky
Text Me!
Braided Love by Kaye Collins
Celtic Tree of Life By Sallys' Sewing Circle
Hearts Together Block by Sew Worthy Mama
Sunshine Village Church by Sarah Marcina
Braille Block
Left and Right Block at The (not so) Dramatic Life
Love Encircled by Jessica of Blue Sky Modern Craft
Celtic Hearts by A Piece of Quiet Quilts
Half Friendship Star with Heart by Blue Bear Quilts
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Lori, Thank you so much for your comment! Yes, it is simple to whip up! And I love your placemat idea! I’d love to see your makes—use #SWMHeartsTogether on Instagram so I can see! :)
You are so right about being pregnant being a whole different level. I absolutely loved being pregnant with both of our kiddos. And hearing and seeing the heart beat and the baby moving was always so special. thanks for sharing your block. I love it. And it looks so simple.. I can whip up a pillow or some placemats. Thanks again. And best wishes on the rest of your pregnancy.