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Every month, Carolina Moore at hosts the #QuiltBlockMania blog hop featuring free 12” quilt block patterns from lots of great designers! See links to all the other patterns at the bottom of this post.
Enchanted Forest Quilt Block
This month, the theme is “Forest,” and I have a FREE quilt block pattern for you -- “Enchanted Forest.”
You can get the FREE block pattern now by signing up for my email newsletter here!

When I saw the theme was "Forest," my mom-of-a-three-year-old mind went straight to the Enchanted Forest in Frozen 2 (my favorite of the Frozens!) and I knew I had to design a block.
Mini Play Mat and Zippered Toy Pouch (Coming Soon!)
But just a block wasn't enough...I kept having more ideas as I sewed, and I ended up turning my block into a mini playmat/zippered toy pouch complete with a liftable "fog" panel. (Have you seen Frozen 2? If you know the fog, then you get it!)
After all, I design patterns with motherhood in mind, so of course my block turned into a gift for my daughter! Honestly, anything that keeps these little figurines out from under foot is a gift to myself.

I'll be sharing more about this project soon, but until then, go ahead and grab your free block pattern!

Of course, you could use the block pattern to sew up a regular ole quilt, wall quilt, pillow, etc. Feel free to take it in your own direction!
I'd love to see what you make. Please use the hashtag #SWMenchantedforest when you post to Instagram so I can see it!
Get the Free Enchanted Forest Quilt Block Pattern Here.
#QuiltBlockMania Blog Hop
Don't forget to check out all the other #QuiltBlockMania free block patterns this month!
Owl by Carolina Moore
Silent Witness by Inquiring Quilter
Forest by Inflorescense Designs
Forest Tree by Scrap Dash
Bear Paw by Epida Studio
Snowy Forest by QuiltFabrication
The Grove by Patti's Patchwork
Mushroom by Penny Spool Quilts
Reindeer by Crafty Staci
Christmas Tree Farm
Enchanted Forest by Sew Worthy Mama
Wolves by Paleofish Designs
Fat Bear Week by Sallys Sewing Circle
Chipmunk by Katie Mae Quilts
Fox by Appliques and More
Heart of Oak by Flowerdog+Co
Snowman by Colette Belt Designs
Mountain Forest by Oh Kaye Quilting
Starry Sky by Patchwork Breeze